Wikinger Offshore Wind Farm

Project Type: Floatel
Project Location: Sassnitz, Germany
Date: June 25, 2019

May to October 2018


In the final push to finish the Wikinger Offshore Wind Farm, Adwen GmbH was in need of a large-scale floating accommodation vessel to act as a floating site office, administration hub, accommodation and catering facility, and crew transfer vessel. Located 40 nautical miles from the shores of the German island of Rügen, on the Baltic Sea, the vessel was to remain at anchor for two weeks, returning to port to re-provision and provide a crew change for all 250 guests.


The MV Bluefort was dispatched to the sea-side community of Sassnitz, on the island of Rügen, Germany and took on 32 20’ shipping containers on her car deck, becoming a tools and spares warehouse, work-wear storage and drying facility, and office space. The 10,000 square feet of office space were maximized to provide full connectivity (high-speed wired and wireless internet, as well as VoIP telecom connectivity) to the site planners, operations managers and marine control centre.

To accommodate the requirements of the client, a refit was completed to maximize cabin efficiency and create additional double-occupancy cabins. Fresh produce and deliveries were made on a regular basis while at anchor via the CTV transfer platform at the aft of the vessel. Additionally, the helipad was in full operation to assist with medical evacuation training drills and real-world scenarios.